Health Science Specialty Center

Career Pathways
Students will be guided as they select a career pathway to pursue while at the Health Sciences Center. Upper-level classes will be geared toward one of following three career pathways.
Career Pathway 1 is designed for students seeking employment or a training program after high school. Examples of careers in this pathway include certified coding specialist, home health aide, emergency medical technician, and pharmacy technician.
Career Pathway 2 is designed for students who will need to further their education, perhaps with an associate’s degree from a community college or technical school and some classes for industry certification. Examples of occupations in this pathway include clinical lab technician, dental hygienist, respiratory therapist, and optician.
Career Pathway 3 is designed for students who wish to pursue a four-year college degree and possibly a professional degree. Examples of professions in this pathway include dentist, pharmacist, nurse anesthetist, and physician.
Center Objectives
Students who participate in the center will be able to make health career decisions suited to their needs, aptitudes, abilities and career objectives. They will also develop a foundation of knowledge and skills that supports advanced education or entry-level employment in a health career, including:
Science and mathematics
Professional behavior and ethics
Analysis and problem-solving